Infrastructure Requirements
Installing new shore power systems requires shore-side infrastructure and can be expensive but can also result in major reductions in port emissions. The infrastructure is typically constituted of power connection to utility, power transformation, conditioning and switching equipment, and land for these facilities, cabling, synchronization equipment, and berth side infrastructure. Shipside infrastructure is also expensive, but the cost has been declining with more streamlined and standardized designs. The cost difference between the grid power, especially the high demand charges, and price of bunker are key factors in business case for OPS. Low price differential of electricity over HFO can provide a strong incentive to the use of the shore power.
To use OPS, there will be a need for extra investment both at shore-side (port) and ship side. As the responsibility for supply of electricity to ship is with port, the capital investment of ports will be more significant. Additional investments stem from construction and installation of electricity supply conditioning/safety systems at the quay and potential needs related to strengthening the port’s electricity grid (MariEMS 2017).