Why? Background of project – A global approach for the development of energy efficiency systems including an effective emission control is led by the IMO on account of the continued rapid growth of the world trade in the maritime transport. (IMO, 2012). According to GL (2012), IMO has mandated certain measures related to energy efficiency in international shipping namely, Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) which mandates energy efficiency standards for new ships; Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI) to provide a tool for measuring the ship’s fuel efficiency in operation and monitor the effect of any variations e.g. more frequent propeller cleaning or improved voyage planning or introduction of technical measures such as a new propeller or waste heat recovery systems; and Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), a management tool for ship owners. These three standards came into force on January 1, 2013 within a new chapter of MARPOL Annex VI. Complex technologies will be involved in building a ship efficiency and emission control system by the marine suppliers bearing in mind the life expectancy of vessels which is estimated to be around 30 years and also of the mandatory regulations to be met as set by IMO (Ziarati et al, 2017, 2018, Oceana 2013).
What? Objectives – Currently there is no standard for the proposed role of the Emissions Manager as proposed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). This project proposes the development of an Emissions Manager’s job specification and a training programme for it specifically for the shipping industry to be able to continually improve its energy and emissions management on board ships with the view to save energy, reduce pollution and to improve the overall quality of energy and emissions management. The intention is also to encourage shipping companies to seek ISO 50000
certification. The intention is use the IMO TTT ship energy efficiency the materials developed as part of Greenship to review current operation practices used to making ships energy efficient based on the arrangements in place in classification and standards organisation such as ABB and so forth. The proposal will review ship energy monitoring and management with regards to ship types, ship propulsion systems, ship navigation equipment, energy production units, electrical and mechanical parts and circuitry, safety issues, national certification, accreditation and validation of learning materials, pedagogical aspects of learning and last but by no means least online application.
Who? Number and profile of participants – the partnership is composed on an organisation (C4FF) with unique knowledge of energy production and engine emissions, the project manager has considerable experience of training programme development and their validation and recognition internationally. C4FF are supported by two Maritime Education and Training (MET) providers (SAMK in Finland (North); and UPC in Spain (West) covering the periphery of the Europe to ensure multiplier activities reach as many as countries in Europe as possible. The partnership is complemented by IDEC and CET to make sure the training programme takes all practical aspects into consideration. SPIN in Slovenia has been invited into the partnership to support C4FF in the development of a novel online e-learning platform similar to the one developed by SPINAKER and C4FF in previous EU funded projects such as EGMDSS and MarTEL (www.egmdss.com and www.martel.pro): many of the projects by the partnership has been selected as Best in Europe by the EU. Through its double role, both as educational provider and as management consulting company, IDEC is able to also incorporate best practices from the business sector into the educational, by adjusting them to the spirit of open and sustainable and accessible education for all.