Shipboard Best Practice Guide
The need to maintain clean surfaces on all exhaust gas economizer and auxiliary boilers is emphasized. The differential pressure across the economizer and its gas inlet and exhaust temperatures should be constantly monitored and appropriate action taken if measurements are out of optimum range.
Additionally, steam traps are to be checked regularly for functionality and steam leaks are to be identified and stopped. Boiler control settings such as burner start/stop and water level setting for feed pump start/stop shall be chosen in a way to reduce energy consumption.
Cargo tank heating (if applicable) shall be carried out according to the specification of the cargo and control temperatures shall be set as low as possible. Also, fuel oil temperature in various storage tanks must be monitored and kept within acceptable limits.
For evaluation of insulation and steam traps, thermal imaging may be used as a tool.
To demonstrate compliance to the above guidelines, the following need to be carried out:
- Steam pipes insulation should be kept in good condition.
- Boiler insulation should be kept in good condition.
- Steam traps are to be checked regularly for functionality.
- Steam leaks are to be identified and stopped.
- Boiler pressure setting for burner start/stop is to be as wide as practicable.
- Cargo tank heating (if applicable) shall be carried out according to the specification of cargo and control temperatures shall be set as low as practicable.
- Fuel temperature in storage, settling ad supply tanks shall be monitored and kept at acceptable lower limits.
Other activities will include:
- Steam trap maintenance should be carried out regularly. Steam traps which are not working correctly may lead to the loss of an excessive amount of additional energy.
- All steam leakages to be minimized.
- Auxiliary boiler is to be used during anchorages and other relevant opportunities.
- Starting of auxiliary boilers too far in advance of intended use is to be avoided.
- Steam dumping when possible is to be avoided.
- Pipe/ valve lagging is to be maintained in good order to minimize heat loss.
- Steam tracing is to be used judiciously.
- Bunker tank heating is to be optimized (MariEMS 2017).