Study key findings
From the above technical and operational measures identified and studies, the following key findings relevant to this section are reported by the MEPC 68/INF16 report:
- Numerous technical measures are available to effectively reduce emissions and increase energy efficiency, and experience with some of the measures implemented in the port area goes back over ten years and is growing. The range of available technical measures is quite extensive including engine and boiler technologies, after treatment technologies, fuel options, alternative power systems, operational efficiencies, and cargo vapour recovery.
- There are no “one size fit all” technical measure solution for ships and ports. Due to numerous variables such as pollutants targeted, port configuration, cargos handled, drivers, barriers, vessels servicing the port area, vessel configurations, operational conditions and the nature of technical measures, each measure needs to be analysed on a case-by-case basis in advance of implementation.
- Several emerging and innovative technologies and measures potentially could provide additional options to reduce emissions from ships in the port area. There are initiatives underway from various stakeholders that are focused on the demonstration of emerging technologies and measures, with the ultimate goal of bringing them to the market in an expedited fashion (MariEMS 2017).