Implementation and enforcement support
IMO Technical Co-operation (TC) programme
“IMO through its Technical Cooperation Department and relevant budgets as well as through donor country funds organises a number of activities mainly in area of capacity building in the form of training workshops. In specific area of shipping GHG control, the following activities have been done so far:
- National and regional workshops on MARPOL Annex VI and GHG emissions from international shipping with the main aim of raising awareness on the subject. A number of such workshops have already been conducted in a number of countries and regions.
- Under the IMO's Integrated Technical Co-operation Programme, a sum of $400,000 was allocated for the 2012 to 2013 biennium for various national and regional capacity building activities. This sum financed regional training and seminars supporting capacity building and information exchange and sharing.
- A further $400,000 has been allocated for the 2014 to 2015 biennium to sustain the level of technical cooperation interventions in various regions, for the effective implementation and enforcement of energy efficiency measures for ships.
- In addition, some IMO members made donations for capacity building activities/workshops to support the implementation of the existing international energy efficiency rules and assess the need for technology transfer”. (IMO Module 1. 2016, 58.)
IMO-UNDP-GEF Initiative
The IMO-UNDP-GEF GloFouling Partnerships Project is a global initiative bringing together key partners to respond to a global environmental problem, namely invasive aquatic species introduced via biofouling within a legal, policy and institutional framework. The following are some of the key components:
“1. Legal, Policy and Institutional Reforms (LPIR): This is the priority component within the project and aims to improve the host country legal, policy and institutional frameworks. This will be achieved via carrying out country status / baseline assessment, development of global guidance and model legislations, support for customisation and finally the implementation.
- Capacity building and knowledge exchange: The core of this activity includes the long-term capacity-building for the accelerated implementation of IMO energy efficiency regulations. This will be achieved via extensive set of training activities, workshops, participation in international events as well as dissemination of information.
- Public-private partnership for innovation and R&D: This activity primarily aims to catalyse maritime sector energy efficiency innovation and R&D. To achieve this, the project aims to promote partnerships such as (1) global forums to highlight best practices and R&D on maritime energy efficiency and (2) formation of a Global Industry Alliance for industry, academia and ship design and operation R&D community to promote debates and R&D”. (IMO: Module 1. 2016, 58-59.)