MARPOL Annex VI is the latest added part to MARPOL Convention in 1997 that entered into force in 2005. Major modifications / amendments to MARPOL Annex VI occurred in 2008 on NOx Technical Code and 2011 with the insertion of a new Chapter 4 which deals with energy efficiency regulations for ships (effectively dealing with GHG emissions).
Therefore, today, the Annex VI encompasses air pollutants and GHG emissions combined. The regulations include also elements like bunker fuels, incinerators, reception facilities, Emission Control Areas, Ozone Depleting Substances and so forth.
MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 1 – General: Introduces some of the basics of the Convention as well as certain useful definitions. Under this chapter, the following regulations are fully specified:
- Regulation 1 – Applications: This specifies the application domain of MARPOL Annex VI.
- Regulation 2 – Definitions: This provides definitions for terms that have regulatory significance.
- Regulation 3 – Exceptions and exemptions: This regulation describes the conditions under which a ship or a marine platform could be exempted from complying with MARPOL Annex VI.
- Regulation 4 – Equivalents: This allows the use of alternative method of compliance and the conditions under which they will be acceptable.
MARPOL Annex VIChapter 2 – Survey, certification and means of control: describe the survey requirements, certification system and control principles including port State control issues and violation detection and enforcement. Under this chapter, the following regulations are fully specified:
- Regulation 5 - Surveys: This regulation describes the survey and inspection requirements.
- Regulation 6 - Issue of endorsement of certificate: The rules for issuance of certificates, forms of certificates, etc. are specified under this regulation.
- Regulation 7 - Issue of a certificate by another party: This regulation allows another Party to issue a certificate on behalf of a Party.
- Regulation 8 - Form of certificates: The forms of various certificates are specified here.
- Regulation 9 - Duration and validity of certificates: The duration and validity certificates are discussed under this regulation.
- Regulation 10 - Port State control and operational requirements: The port State control aspects and relevant rules are explained in this regulation.
- Regulation 11 - Detection of violation and enforcement: Specific aspects under which a ship could be detained are described under this regulation.
MARPOL Annex VIChapter 3– Requirements for control of emissions from ships: this chapter details the measures to address various air pollutants and important related issues as bunker management and incinerator. Under this chapter, the following regulations are fully specified:
- Regulation 12 –Ozone-depleting substances (ODSs): This regulation prohibits deliberate release of ODSs and sets timeline for phasing out of certain ODSs.
- Regulation 13 – Nitrogen oxides (NOx): This part of the Annex regulates the NOx emissions by ship for engines installed on ships constructed after 2000. Three tiers describe the NOx limits to be achieved after 2000, 2011 and 2016. In addition to the International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate, the ship must comply with the NOx Technical Code 2008, have an Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate and possesses NOx Technical File and a record book of engine parameters.
- Regulation 14 – Sulphur oxides (SOx): This regulation sets maximum sulphur contents for fuels used on ships (3.50% after January 2012) and the concept of SOx emission control area (SECA) with the current designated SECAs as well as relevant sulphur limits.
- Regulation 15 – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): The regulation emphasizes on the need to reduce VOC releases occur during loading in oil ports and terminals. All oil tankers visiting such regulated ports/terminals (ports/terminals that are designated as VOCs control ports/terminals based on this regulations) must be equipped with collection systems and after 2010 a VOC management plan must be implemented.
- Regulation 16 – Shipboard incineration: Incinerators have to be approved and meet the IMO standards. Various substances are prohibited to incinerate.
- Regulation 18 – Fuel oil availability and quality: The regulation covers the availability, the quality, the supervision of suppliers, the PSC aspects, fuel sampling and sample retentions, the bunker delivery note, etc.
The NOx Technical Code and some other IMO Resolutions support the implementation of this part of MARPOL Annex VI.
MARPOL Annex VIChapter 4 – Regulation on energy efficiency for ships: This chapter 4 was developed to regulate energy efficiency of ships. It came into force in January 2013. Under this chapter, the following regulations are specified:
- Regulations 19 – Application: This regulation specifies the application domain and scope of the Chapter 4 regulations.
- Regulations 20 – Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (Attained EEDI): This regulation specifies the requirements on Attained EEDI including the calculation processes and survey and verification aspects.
- Regulations 21 – Required EEDI: This regulation deals with the Required EEDI, its calculation using reference lines and reduction factors and its calculation processes. Regulation 21.5 also makes provisions that the EEDI must not impair the safe manoeuvrability of the ships.
- Regulation 22 - Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP): This regulation specifies the requirement for ships to have a SEEMP on board and how the SEEMP should be developed.
- Regulation 23 - Promotion of technical co-operation and transfer of technology relating to the improvement of energy efficiency of ships: This regulation emphasizes the importance to enhance technical cooperation and transfer of technology to support energy efficiency improvements on the world fleet, in particular for the benefit of developing countries. (MARPOL TRAINING 2020)