Regulation 21 – Required EEDI

This regulation specifies the methodology for calculation of the Required EEDI and all relevant details. The Required EEDI is the regulatory limit for EEDI and its calculation involves use of reference lines” and reduction factors.

The basic concepts included in this regulation are:

  • Reference line: A baseline EEDI for each ship type, representing reference EEDI as a function of ship size.
  • Reduction factor: This represents the percentage points for EEDI reduction relative to the reference line, as mandated by regulation for future years. This factor is used to tighten the EEDI regulations in phases over time by increasing its value.
  • Cut-off levels: Smaller size vessels are excluded from having a Required EEDI for some technical reasons. Thus, the regulatory text specifies the size limits. This size limit is referred to as cut off levels.
  • Implementation phases: the EEDI will be implemented in phases. First phase was between 2015-2019. Currently, it is in Phase 2. It will run from year 2020 to 2024 and phase 3 is from year 2025 onwards (MariEMS 2017).

Figure below shows the above concepts in diagrammatic format:

Figure 7: Concept of Required EEDI, reduction factor, cut off limits and EEDI phases (MariEMS 2017).